I love getting up on a weekend morning and to make pancakes for everyone at home. Everyone is fresh, well-rested and happy early in the morning and a nice, leisurely pancake breakfast is such a great way to spend time with people I care about. The only problem is, pancakes can be a little bit time-consuming sometimes. So the solution I have devised over the years is to use a pancake mix, jazzed up with my special blend of additional ingredients to make pancakes that taste like they are from scratch. So here it is.... my weekend Strawberry pancake recipe:
2 cups of good quality just-add-water pancake mix
1 1/2 cups water
2 cups chopped fresh strawberries
2 Tbsp. dark brown sugar
4 Tbsp. melted butter
2 tsp. vanilla extract
Combine all of the ingredients, adding the water gradually. You don't want to have overly thin pancake mix, so you may have to revise the water you add to the mix to suit your own needs. Don't overstir - the batter should just come together. I like the batter to be a little thicker with all the strawberries in it so that the batter cooks faster. It is less likely to burn.
Ladle 1/4 cups of batter per pancake on a griddle over medium heat.
That's all there is to it. These pancakes taste much better than out of the box pancakes and only take about ten minutes longer to make. Enjoy!
yuuumm! I lurve pancakes and strawberries!!!!!