I'm going to make this review short and sweet if I can - the way I wish this movie had been. Can you see where this is going?
The only thing that would make this film watchable would be booze. Lots of booze. Will Ferrell is like cotton candy - good in small doses and during very select times of the year. He has made some gems over the years - My favorites are probably not your favorites. I liked Elf and Anchorman to name a couple. But like cotton candy, too much Ferrell is sickening and begins to be the same old flat, one-dimensional flavor after the first five minutes.
There is a scene in this movie where one of the characters tells Will Ferrell that they want to punch him, just because his face makes them want to punch him. That's usually how I feel about John C. Reilly. He may be a perfectly nice person, but he usually just annoys me. If Will Ferrell is a one-dimensional actor, Reilly is usually 1/2 of a dimensional actor. Physically impossible you say? I say not. However, for once, I didn't hate John C. Reilly. He was the better of the two main actors in this film.
Yes, there were some funny moments, but, and maybe I am just getting too old for this stuff, my 32 birthday is tomorrow, after all, but after the first half hour, it was just more and more of the same, with a dash of scrotum and a pinch of bicycle abuse thrown in for good measure.
1.5 very generous winks.