Not sure how long this is going to last, but I am going to try to start reviewing movies I watch. They will be rated as follows:
Infinity winks - Movie Nirvana. There will never be a better film than this (you'll most likely never see this rating)
5 winks - OMG, this is going on my top ten movies of all time list
4 winks - Great film! I will see this again and add it to my DVD collection
3 winks - Solid entertainment. I may or may not see it again. Didn't blow my mind, but wasn't a total waste of money either.
2 winks - I wish I could get my money back. Help me save you some money. Don't bother, unless you are ab avid fan of this genre of film.
1 wink - OMG, I want my money AND my two hours back. What a waste of film. Please, for the love of all that is good in this world, please dont' go see this film.
Eyelids taped so I can't wink - It would be better to end civilization as we know it than to allow one more poor, unsuspecting soul to be forced to watch this film (I sincerely hope I never have to use this rating)
So this weekend, I saw two movies. Here's the run-down:
The Bucket List, starring Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson
I am sure that there are many out there that would give this film a higher rating. I'll admit, the acting was great and the story line was solid, but I really think that films like this bank way too much on what I like to call the "misty eye" factor. In other words the philosophy is crying = good film. I don't buy it. yes, I got misty eyed at the end, but just because it envoked an emotion response from me does not mean it was a good film. If you want to feel crazy emotions while watching a movie AND see a truly stellar film at the same time, watch the french film "Love Me If You Dare", then go back and witness the difference. The Bucket List will seem trite after that.... and it is, a bit. Still, Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson are worth watching and their on-screen partnership is fascinating. My rating: 3 winks
10,000 BC, starring some people I have never heard of and the voice of Omar Sharif
(I know, I know, I could do some research. This is lazy-woman's film rating, but I never promised you critical reviews on par with S & E circa 1989 - so get over it)
I have no idea how historically accurate this seemingly historical fictional plot truly is, but it was surprisingly fun to watch. I had a hard time trying to figure out where in Africa these people might have lived where they could be up in a snow covered mountain rangeone day, in a tropical rain forest the next, the savannah and the desert, all in what appears to be the matter of perhaps a few weeks, maybe a month of walking. I mean, how fast can a person walk in a day?? Or maybe my understanding of climates in 10,000 BC is flawed. Who knows. Ultimately though, historical merit aside, this was a fun-ish movie to watch. The acting was nothing special, not was the plot, but there were some beautiful vistas (CGI though they may be) in the film and there was enough variety, action and story to keep the film moving along at a pretty good pace. Not bad! My rating: 3 winks