This blog is starting to feel a bit like the journals I tried to keep as a child. I would write a few times and then the journal would disappear under my bed, only to be pulled out a year later, dusted off and used again. This time, I am going to try to be better about keeping up with my blog. Not that anyone reads it. Much like the journals of my childhood. And that is OK. I wouldn't want to bore anyone to death.
This past weekend, I drive down to H-town to visit my eight month old nephew, Jacob. Yes, he was hatched back in October. I know last time I wrote, he was still baking and was only about half-done. My sister-in -law went through quite a hard time to have him, ending up in the hospital for 10 weeks flat on her back, fearful the entire time. But enough about that... Jacob is a true miracle baby.
I know everyone says that their child or a child that is important to them is beautiful, but honestly, this kid is a knockout. I will post a picture to prove it. He's adorable. And the personality on this kid - he's just perfect!
Top ten reasons why he is the cutest kid ever:
1. Jacob sleeps with his little arms and legs tucked under his belly and sleeps with his butt in the air.
2. When he wakes up, he usually toots, no matter who is in the room or their level of importance in the grand scheme of life. Ah... to be that unself-conscious....
3. Jacob is a narcissist. When he sees himself in the mirror, a huge grin lights up his face, like he has found a long-lost friend.
4. Jacob is caught up in a torrid love-affair with Daffy Duck - the look of love and affection that crosses his face when he sees his stuffed ducky can bring you to tears.
5. Jacob is a couch potato. Food Network or Mario Galaxy for Wii, if there are lots of colors and interesting sounds, Jacob is mesmerized.
6. Jacob thinks it is funny when his mother sneezes and when his Daddy passes gas.
7. Jacob has aspirations of being a ballerina (ballerino? balletist??? I have no clue what the name for a male ballet dancer is). He likes to bounce in his Jumper-roo on his toes.
8. Jacob loves it when I blow raspberries on his tummy.
9. Jacob has the cutest little fat rolls on his legs and soft little baby heels.
10. Jacob is never sad for long and always perks up with a little love and attention.
Anyone who knows me knows that I am not a cotton candy, pink hearts and unicorns person. But this kid has definitely chipped away at my cynical side. Brat....
Jacob the Great
Monday, June 30, 2008
2:58 PM
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'cute baby',
food network,
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