I wasn't planning a trip to the movies this weekend, but my bestest bud and loyal movie going companion HP Sauce was bored and called this morning to see if I wanted to go see Pineapple Express. It looked like a funny way to pass a Sunday afternoon, so I begged off the weekly grocery shopping trip and headed up to Addison.
I had no clue. That's the best way to describe my reaction to this film. I HAD NO CLUE IT HAD THE POTENTIAL TO BE THIS GOOD!!!
Action packed and full of guffaw-worthy dialog, it truly exceeded my expectations. Of couse, part of the fun was listening to the stoner's sitting to my left repeat over and over "Dude! This is the best film EVER!" That just added to the hilarity.
Through the violence and comedy, the spirit of friendship was a theme that rode its way right to the end of this film. HP sauce and I had a really good time. She's my bud. I really appreciate her friendship. I hope she knows that. :)
3.75 puffs.... um, that is, winks.
awwww...sniff sniff. You make me all misty eyed. Damn you Starbucks ho! lol! I always have such a blast with you!