I know what you are thinking, water is water and it is silly to waste money on something that is delivered right to your kitchen and is practically free. In theory, I have always agreed, but that was before I was introduced to SmartWater.
Most bottled water is spring water, which means to me that it could really contain any number of impurities, but the flavor is there. The flavor of some spring water remind me of camping in Colorado next to an ice cold mountain stream. Distilled water, impurity free, is a safe bet, but lacks any flavor. It is flat and pointless.
SmartWater is a combination of the two; distilled, but infused with electrolytes that lend a sharpness and depth to the flavor of the water that is missing in other distilled waters.
I am hooked! I just wish it wasn't so costly. I limit myself to one bottle a week that I then fill with water from my PUR water filtered tap at home. The water doesn't taste as good, but I cannot financially, or ecologically justify drinking only SmartWater.
On a side note, I do have to ask, Glaceau, why Jennifer Aniston? That had to be a costly investment. I am curious to see how her endorsement will affect sales. I am not blown away by the promotional campaign.
Still, Neztra recommends this brand for bottled water drinkers.
Standard disclaimer: I am not paid nor have I been blackmailed by Glaceau to endorse this product. Besides, who even reads this blog? Seriously.